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Happy Horses = Happy Wordley Martin Clients!

We are very grateful to the recent feedback that we’ve received from several of our clients. Happy clients and horses is what drives our business and at Wordley Martin we strive to design and install the best footing and arenas in the equestrian marketplace!



Andrew Bourns“I produce and sell world class show jumping horses, when it comes to the footing that my horses work on at home, I am very uncompromising. Working with Wordley Martin footing has given me one of the nicest all-weather sand arenas I have had to date. My Wordley Martin ring provides the best protection for my horses when jumping up to a 1.60m, which gives me peace of mind while producing my horses to be their very best.”

– Andrew Bourns

MauraWeis2“I have built  three Wordley Martin arenas and I love them all, they are amazing!  The Wordley Martin folks are a pleasure to work with, totally professional, caring and knowledgeable. My footing was ready right after a Wellington downpour.

“All the professionals I have trained with are amazed by the quality of the footing and the entire presentation of the arenas.  It is equal too or better than the shows I have gone too.  I highly recommend them, you will not be disappointed in any way.”

– Maura Weis