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Rider Spotlight: Chrissa Frith-Hoffmann

Chrissa Frith-Hoffmann is an International Grand Prix rider, holding the United States Dressage Federations Bronze, Silver and Gold medals.   She trains horses and riders through the most advanced level of dressage, riding at the Grand Prix level.  Chrissa has received multiple high score and year end awards and has been decorated with award winning medals as a result of her hard work and determination.

Chrissa began riding on a Wordley Martin surface when she purchased Overlook Farm, which has been re-christened Glenfield Farm, located in the heart of Ocala horse country. The farm is a top of the line training facility with 24 stalls, 2 tackrooms, 8 large paddocks, and a recently constructed 200×200 sand/fiber Wordley Martin ring!

Wordley Martin appreciates Chrissa’s professional opinion and enthusiastic feedback regarding her daily training surface and we wish Chrissa the best in her competitive endeavors during the upcoming competitive season!

“Wordley-Martin footing is by far the best footing out there on the market today! I absolutely love it and so do my horses. I am lucky to have it in in my ring and will never have anything else!!”

-Chrissa F Hoffmann
International Grand Prix Dressage Rider and Trainer
USDF Bronze, Silver and Gold Medalist